Proactive Panic Containment?

There may come a time when you're working with the application and suddenly the database gets corrupted? On that moment I hope you had a backup for your data, since the application now offers a tool for that sole purpose. Even so, after recovering the database from a backup, you might wish to have a fresh start regarding the records stored.
Well then, if that's the case, then I'm happy to tell you, that from this moment on, you have the chance of resetting all the database tables to their initial state and, if you're a perfectionist, you may even reset the identity values of all the indexed fields of the database.

Did the above occur on a way that wasn't planned? Well, that's why I started this post hoping that you have a backup when that happens. Why?
Because when the purging of the database is finished, an email is sent to us, so that we're briefly informed of any incoming calls for help that my come from you. Then we'll be in contact as soon as possible and guide you on restoring your data from your backup.

To progress or not to progress? That be the question! ...and Video Samples

Well then... last week was rather chaotic. Between the huge pressure upon my daily work and the torments of VB.Net programming, I'm quite happy that the last week is over.

Last week, I progressed a bit more on my current project and decided to take the next step, regarding support tools, that make the application more user friendly. And so, I designed two new form wizards:

  • Database Backup Manager
  • Database Restore Manager

Yes, that's right, the application has now the ability to backup and restore your beautifully complex database :)

As most of the ideas that come to my mind, everything seemed simple to make it happen and... what do you know? Again, another humorously and ridiculous detail that Microsoft may hasn't noticed... or did they?!

The progress bar control doesn't have a percentage label by default, something that you pratically see ever since you install Windows on a computer (how funny is that? Hillarious, right?)

Anyway... I went on designing my own custom progress bar control and to my surprise I wasn't able to make the label appear, because for some reason I can't understand, DrawString doesn't seem to work and so again... with the help of MSDN forums, I found that the solution comes from using the TextRenderer.DrawText method and voilá, problem solved.

Here's a little preview of the progress bar control on use:

By the way, that video was the first I've ever recorded, so yeah... the quality is quite shabby, but I have no clue on how to optimize it and I think YouTube doesn't give you the tools for that. If any of you know on how to optimize the video or use some kind of freeware for better recording, I'm all ears.

Where am I at now?!

If you're wondering at what stage my current project is at, then let me share a bit of info on it. 

In terms of UI, I'm a bit far off as I intend to implement a theme selection feature, so that the users may choose the theme that is most to their liking. 

Now, moving on to data manipulation language, I've been setting up tables and stored procedures as I go and it's quite easy to keep track of what's being done, since I'm using SQL to store my databases. To put it simple, creation, querying, updating and deletion of records is finished in every table that is to be manipulated directly by the user, such as users, cooks, recipes, etc. 

It is possible to evaluate and comment on recipes, although there's still a few glitches, but nothing that's not easy to fix. 

Several friendly-user tools have already been built into the application, such as a table relationship's map, where users may leave notes and point out important notifications, send out emails to point out problems occurring with the application and related database, the ability of managing the database, such as resizing the files, renaming the database's name and location, etc. There's also a tool that discriminates every harddrive and device plugged into the computer, giving out detailed information, such as avaiable and total space, drive letter and device types. There are other features done that I won't mention, so that a bit of mistery can be left on the air :) 

Well, as you can see there's a lot of things that have already been done, but there's still a while bit to go, as I want to release this project with all the helpful tools that it should have and have it running smoothly and simple. 

Stay tuned for more news.

Blog's Clean Up

The previous post was scratched, because I was not able to set more than one language on the blog... so I pretty much decided to keep the english language, even if my native language is portuguese, because this way I'll reach out for more people of different nations (I hope). Anyway, all left to do is a bit of cleaning up.

Blog's Clean Up and "Bilingualism"

At this moment, the blog is getting the last couple of touches. Lastly, the feature to choose between the portuguese and english languages, is to be applied.